U-M Alumni Career Design Fellowship
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Enrollment closed. Next program begins 3/5/22.

Alumni Career Design Fellowship

30 day online program to create a more fulfilling career

Wondering what comes next for your career? Now's the time to make a plan. 


Whether you want more from your current role or you want to change careers entirely, the Fellowship will help you get there!


University of Michigan Alumni Career Services has partnered with the career design experts at Mission Collaborative to bring you this 30 day online program that will give you the clarity and confidence you need to create a fulfilling career that fits you.


Whether you're early, mid, or late-career, the Fellowship provides the structure and accountability you need to make the breakthrough progress you've been struggling to achieve on your own (while fitting into your busy schedule!)

White target

Define what you really want

Pinpoint exactly what you want from your career and prioritize what matters most to you

White success

Identify your unique value

Uncover your core strengths and transferable skills that you can leverage in your next career move

White lighting-bulb

Discover exciting options

Identify career paths that fit you better and learn how to test them before committing to one

White strategy

Follow a proven process

Make a plan for your next steps towards a more fulfilling career and be held accountable for following through

Who this is for

We've designed the Fellowship to help you figure out exactly what you want next from your career regardless of your age, background, or industry.

The Fellowship is perfect for you if you're:​

  • Unsure about your future in your current career and want to be proactive

  • Feeling bored, burned out, under-appreciated, or not using your strengths at work

  • Wondering how your skills and experience translate to other career paths

  • Transitioning to a new phase of life and want to reinvent your career

Early Career

Kim: Moved to a better

fit company


"This experience was more than well worth it, especially for busy professionals. You'll get superb resources, top-notch career ideas, and insight that will set you on a promising path towards your next career move."

Mid Career

Laura: Software sales

to educator

Smiling Mature Woman

"I had already wasted a ton of time trying to change careers on my own with no actual progress and a lot of fear. The Fellowship helped me understand what I want and how to get it, and the community is priceless."

Late Career

Scott: Lawyer to

small business owner

Image by Foto  Sushi

"The course platforms were easy to use, flexible, and the whole program fit into my busy schedule. I even developed a detailed action plan that I used immediately to pursue new career opportunities."

How it works

The Fellowship is not 1:1 coaching — it's a peer learning career development program based on the principles of Design Thinking. Starting September 18th, you'll spend about five hours per week doing the following:

Complete assignments on your own time

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Watch career design videos from the experts, explore curated resources, and complete insightful exercises. Just get the work done by the recommended deadlines! 

Weekly team working sessions

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Work with a diverse team of fellow alumni to get new perspectives and enlightening feedback. Choose between Wednesdays at 12pm ET, Wednesdays at 7pm ET, or Thursdays at 9pm ET.

1-on-1 calls with your partner


We'll match you with another participant that you have a lot in common with. To keep you accountable, you'll have weekly calls at times that work for both of you.

Leverage the whole community

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Crowdsource ideas, resources, and connections from fellow alumni, your personal network, and the Fellowship facilitators. You have an entire community supporting you!

What you'll experience

Expect to spend about five hours per week on the Fellowship. You'll have a 1.5 hour video meeting with your assigned Team once per week (Weds at 12pm ET, Weds at 7pm ET, or Thurs at 9pm ET, you pick). You’ll also have a weekly hour-long phone call with your Accountability Partner (at times you choose together).

Week 1

Sep 18 - 25

Identify your strengths, transferable skills, and interests

Use assessments and guided self-reflection to get to know yourself better

Week 2

Sep 26 - Oct 2

Define what you want and identify options that align

Prioritize criteria you want your career to fit and start discovering potential options

Week 3

Oct 3 - 9

Explore your top potential career paths

Learn how to test your options and use our proven framework to narrow them down

Week 4

Oct 10 - 17

Create an action plan to structure your next steps

Make a plan to finish testing your best options and choose your next career move

Ongoing Support

Additional career resources and lifetime access to the curriculum

Continued accountability + tools and templates for your next career move

Middle Aged Woman

"This was the greatest investment I've made thus far into advancing my career" 

- Celina, Journalism to healthcare

Enroll now

We're committed to offering U-M alumni outstanding experiences that are accessible to everyone.

Compare to 1-on-1 career coaching ($2,000+) and Mission Collaborative's public Fellowship ($349).

Enrollment closed. Next program starts on 3/5/22.

Early Enrollment

Enroll by 8/28


SAVE $50


Regular Enrollment

8/29 - 9/13



Alumni Association members save $50!

Not a member yet? Join today!

Member - Early

Enroll by 8/28


SAVE $100


Member - Regular

8/29 - 9/13


SAVE $50


Money Back


We're confident you'll love it. There's really no risk in joining!

​Going through financial hardship?

Apply for a partial scholarship

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